Just a quick note to you all to let you know that we didn't fall off the deck and float away. Spring has sprung and there is so much to share that it will take several posts to catch up. I started the spring cleaning here at the beach by getting all of the firewood that was stacked on the boat deck split and stacked in the wood shed. I think that it is the first time we that the woodshed has been full this early in the year. With that done I finally had a place to move the row boat to so that we could start scraping the old paint off. I think that this will be a great place for it for a while, at least till next fall. The boat deck for those of you that haven't been here is right next to the trail that connects all of our cabins to each other and the outside world. A lot of visiting happens out there so it will be easier to share the project with the neighbors. Much more later...see you on the trail
We will have to come down and do some of that visiting you are talking about. I was thinking of you guys this weekend with the nice weather. Why would you ever want to be inside on the computer updating a blog when it is so nice out?! Of course, some of us have are not quite as fortunate as you and have nothing better to do. Can't wait to see your progress on this project and to see you and Rhonda.